The company Monsanto has not done anything good for anyone whole around the world apart from itself whole its history.
The company Monsanto has been developing chemical weapons as Agent orange is. The cinsequences of using Agent Orange you can clearly see in Vietnam even in these days, what Agent Orange has done to Vietnamese during the Vietnam war and far a way after.
Double headed children with one body and four legs and four arms is just one example.
This is not enough. Especially not for company Monsanto. Parts of Agent Orange are still using in pesticides/herbicides of company Monsanto as Roundup Ready is and there are still lies about toxicity of Roundup Ready as it was and still are about GMO.
Some lies about toxicity of Roundup Ready has been discovered quite recently, when has been found, that at least at 40% of cases, when Roundup Ready has been used has been found its toxic parts in underground water.
Thre is more than clear evidence, that company Monsanto had been cheating during the tests/studies, that its performed or very probably woukd be much suitable usr the word fabricated.
The cheating, bribes, threatenning people like journalists and real scientists, who discovered the fraud and severe risk for health of humankind, soil, biodeversity and all living spicies (especially pollinators as bees are) and arraging firing of these journalists and scientists are the main reasons why it could come to the production for feeding animals and humans in some countries.
The gmo caused many tumors on lab rats on cows and many other species.Why on earth anyone would think there is any different for humans?
There has been numerous of cases in South America as well as in Europe (for example the French farmer, who lost sight) when ordinary citiziens as well as farmers has got severe health problems (like lost the sight for example) or even died after become in touch with Monsanto's herbicides/pecticides.
Almost all the weed is becoming completelly killed after become in touch with Monsanto's hebicides/pesticides. Do you think, that these herbicides/pesticides can do anything good for you or for your children?
How is possible, that the company Monsanto has not been sentenced for its crimes against humanity by International Court for human's rights?