Saturday, 3 May 2014


What vegetarian/vegan Mahatma Gandhi stated about carring weapons (defence to goverment - especially big police state oriented countries as United States are) - as far as I know he has not been far long away the only real peacemaker with the same or similar opinion.

On the other hand the Mao'c Tung (former Chinese president, who very, very probably executed hundreds of thousands completely innocent people, just because they have different opinion, then he had and they had not been silent about it).

One of many others with the same opinion has been, according ny information, Josif Stalin (former Soviet Union president, who has been acting very very probably the same way as Mao'c Tung).

What do you think is easier to control:

1)Completely unarmed population

2)Fully armed population?

I know or I am completely aware of, that we Europeans are mostly ever against arms, but could not it be just opinion caused by, according some sources, even hundreds of years of propaganda and mind control mainly by brainwashing through the main stream media?

You might find out bit more indicies about this subject on this video considering that Jesse Ventura is democratically elected former governor of Minesota and Pierce Morgan is all the time completelly against carring arms by citizens under any circumstances, that might seems (especially in some situations and considered all the facts around and circumstances) a bit, say it very very gently, weird.

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