Thursday, 30 January 2014

How does this world work - what we actually believe in?

Have you ever heart about ADHD?


It "is" "desease", that seems to be more and more clear, that has been just fabricated just because some of our beloved "healthy monopols" (and I mean by that especially international farmaceutical's concerns) did not feel to get enough of our money from our insurance and that is why they needed more - off course! What else we could expected from our beloved services donated from our taxes by our beloved goverment ....

The patients has been and quite possibly still are mostly the smallest once ....

So instead to we could spend the most of the limited time, that we actually have after the work for our goverment (to would be able to made/donate (which means actually quite the same in this case and also pritty much quite general by the the way) even more fabrications on us) we taking them to the doctors, who filling them with pills full of chemic with many side effects to manufactued them even more diseases just to spent even less time with them and keep the bussiness going meamwhile significant (if not all of them) amount of so called symptoms could be threated
 by natural remedies as herbs or just by spend more time with them or by avoiding all the artificial's crap as aspartam, fenilline and other crap
from their food and drinks ....

So, where is the root of evil?

Is it in all around us or is it in that, what we allow to go to us and our children?

The following link might seems a bit unlogical considered current subject, but I personnally after I have spent part of my life by studying this subject, see even may be higher risk in GMO.

If you would like to know more about GMO:

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